Ordinary Member
According to Article 12 of the Article of Association of Hong Kong Institute of Patent Practitioners (the Institute), the following persons shall be eligible for election as Ordinary Member of the Institute:-
A Foreign Patent Agent* from a Recognized Jurisdiction who is residing in Hong Kong or is a resident of Hong Kong and has been practicing patent law in Hong Kong for at least one year;
A solicitor or barrister who has been practicing in Hong Kong for at least 1 year in the area of patent;
A technical degree holder who has been practicing in the field of patent for at least 1 year; or
A degree holder who has a genuine interest in patent and is recommended by a Certified Patent Agent†of The Institute.
*Foreign Patent Agent means a person entered on any list or register of persons qualified to practice before a regional or national intellectual property office of Australia, Canada, China, Europe, New Zealand, UK or US.
†Certified Patent Agent means a person whose name is entered on the Register of Patent Agents as described in Article 57 of the Article of Association of the Institute.